Air Conditioning Maintenance & Repair
What you can expect from Jonathan Main Plumbing Professionals
Air Conditioning Maintenance
With the change in weather, air conditioning systems and cooling units are kicking back into high gear. A service inspection to make sure your AC unit is functioning efficiently and effectively could save you thousands in repair and replacement costs. Regular air conditioning service by a Jonathan Main expert can help diagnose and solve all kinds of air conditioning problems:
- Issues with temperature control and adjustment
- Inefficient or ineffective air conditioning units
- Faulty air conditioning or ventilation systems
- Out-of-date AC units needing repair or replacement
Want to avoid higher-than-necessary energy bills due to deficient AC systems? Have a Jonathan Main professional clean and maintain your air conditioning unit this spring with a thorough inspection and service visit, so you can stay cool all summer long.
Air Conditioning Repair
At Jonathan Main, our goal is to make sure your AC system is running as efficiently as possible. Our air conditioning repair experts have decades of experience fixing common and not-so-common problems. After diagnosing your air conditioning issue, we’ll recommend the best solution to keep your air conditioning unit running smoothly and efficiently this summer.
Complete Air Conditioning Repair and Maintenance Services
- Residential and commercial air conditioning system maintenance
- Air conditioning, ventilation and filtration maintenance services
- New air conditioning unit installation
- Air conditioning cleaning and filter change
- Old air conditioning unit repair/replacement
- Old air conditioning removal and reinstallation
- Fixing difficulties controlling temperature/temperature zones
- Improved air flow and air quality in your home
- Improved system efficiency and energy bill savings
- Air quality testing
Jonathan Main HVAC professionals can also service non-central air systems, like evaporative coolers and desert cooler systems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What factors should I consider when deciding to get professional assistance?
A: Most air conditioning repairs should be handled by a professional. Unit damage caused by inexperienced handling can end up costing significantly more than the initial replacement. Inability to control temperature effectively, strong odors and poor air quality, as well as higher-than-expected energy bills, might indicate a serious problem with your system. Call a Jonathan Main professional immediately to diagnose the issue.
Q: What can I do to help prevent the need for costly air conditioning repairs?
A: Routine maintenance for your cooling system is always a good place to start. Even simple problems like irregular noises or difficulties controlling temperature could indicate much more serious problems with your system, especially if they are recurring. If you have any questions or feel uncomfortable attempting to fix an HVAC problem, call a professional for assistance. Small problems often become big — and expensive — when people try to solve air conditioning issues on their own.
Getting an inspection of your HVAC system before the summer heat begins is crucial. Call us today to find out more about our air conditioning maintenance program and repair services at 419-353-4042.